Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why arent the pictures of Osama Bin Laden Being Publish ?

Alot of people wonder why isnt Obama publishing Osama Bin Laden pictures. Now alot of americans dont wanna believe that he is dead. BUT they dont know that its for  our own good. Nobody wants the war to go on again. Obama was gonna publish them BUT then he decided not to and why is that ? "We don't trot out this stuff as trophies," Mr. Obama said .  And that giving or publishing Osama pictures will create a national security risk. They have done DNA to his body and he sure they killed the right guy Osama Bin Laden. Alot of people are not going to believe. The family members of 9/11/01 are wanted to see the pictures. But Obama is sure that they wont see Osama walking in this earth ever again. I myself will like to see the picture cause i dont believe that he is dead. But at the same time i know that its dangreous to release them . We want the Untied States to be in good hands. Every family member of Osama Bin Laden that is watching the newspaper must be VERYYY angry. And they will be more angry if they see that Obama has posted/publish the pictures. And after they see it they might wanna take advangte .So at the same time is good that Obama doesnt publish them. Let people think what they wanna think. If they say they got him and they did. And if they really didnt kill him Untied States / New York will be very angry for killing some one they confuse with Osama.


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