Monday, May 16, 2011

Loosing Someone You Really LOVE :(

Have you ever lost someone you really loved ? Well i did . When i first started John Adams High School i started hanging out with the wrong people. Always told me to cut, smoke and drink. And NOT only that they were gang members they were called the Trinitarios ( DPL ) its a dominican gang. I got real close to them they were like a family to me. But then problems begun to happen. I couldnt walk around cityline without anyone saying anything to me or tryna pop it off. When i was with them all they asked me to turn trinitaria but i said NO. I dont wanna put my family or anyone in danger and more myself. But to everyone i was a trinitaria but i didnt care what anyone said because i knew every well who i was. It was around April that i started talking to this boy named Alberto he was best known as Nowikki and he was one of them ( trinitario ). I really liked him and he liked me. We talk everyday. Spend the whole night on the phone from like 9pm to 7am. We use to fall asleep on the phone. Around May we was gonna make it official. But i saw something really wierd happening. I logged on aim to see if he was connected and he was but he was idle for like 5hrs. I saw everyone status saying " OMG nowikki feel better hope you can make this one " I got worried. I call his bestfriend and asked her and she was like " Loka you dont know ? Nowikki got shot 2 times one in his head and one in his body and he is in coma and they dont know if he gonna make it " . When i heard that my world just stop i started crying . I Wanted to go to the hospital but my mom wouldnt let me because she knew i was gonna get an attack and go crazy. Well i finally went to sleep i prayed from him and all i did was think of him. When i woke up to get ready for school i logged on aim and i saw everyone writing " RIP NOWIKKI " when i saw that i could of swear i was gonna die. I Started crying ALOTTT, i wanted to die along with him. My mom asked me what happen and i told her " He didnt make it he died " I Regret not going to the hospital =[ . When i was in school all i did was cry and walk the halls i didnt wanna be in school. I was so hurt. I heard everyone in school talking about him like " oh nowikki got shot and he die " Everytime i heard that i cryed alot. I was wondering who killed him and they told me it was another gang team called " Latin Kings " when i heard it was them i hated them from that day i wanted to kill everyone of them for taking someone life away. Ever since his death im not the same person with anyone. Ive gotten an attitude with everyone. IM JUST NOT THE SAY NOMORE. Well ever since his death i started to have dreams with him. But one of the dreams really hit me hard. I was in his funeral in my dreams and i saw him but he got alive when he saw me and he called me over and i went. But in real life i couldnt breath . My twin saw that i was acting like i couldnt breath i started shaking and she woke me up. When i got up i started crying alot. I told my mom and she said " NEVER WALK TOWARD THE DEAD PERSON THEY TRYNA TAKE YOU WITH THEM". I got scare but i knew he didnt want to hurt me. And it wasnt the first time i dream of him. I miss him so much i wish i could turn back in the days and take him back. But i know he is watching over me. My ANGEL may you rest in piece. And Since the day he got killed i really started hanging out to much with trinitarios i was known as one of them. But now im trying to get out of this. I dont want problems i wanna live for long. I dont wanna be living this life i am. My mom knows about this and she is always telling me " STOP BEING ONE OF THEM you putting yourself in danger" But i just couldnt get away from them easy. I hope oneday everything will be the same way as it was when i was little. Friday will be ONE YEAR he got killed ;   RIP ALBERTO CABRERA BEST KNOWN AS OG NOWIKKI 4|28|91 - 5|2O|1O i Love youuu soo MUCHHH x7^ <3 always and forever bby :* , I will soon be with you my darlin dear :) TEKIEROOO ! x3 ; it HURTS loosing someone you love right ?

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