Friday, May 20, 2011

Claribel Checo : What I think about my classmate blogs….
1)Shayaa:I liked all your blog post. They were really interested my favortive one was at the drugs one. There is no dislike about anyone of them.
2)Bibi: The Attention post really caught my attention. It so true cause my boyfriend thinks that I don’t pay a lot of attention to him.
3)Fatima: I loved all your post.I like more the summer time and relationship one. Everything you said is true and I Know a lot of guys like that. And the fight one also one of my favortive one. I Think about the fight in school that is the reason why am here. There totally no dislike.
4)Andray: Ahh talking about you. Like I told you my favortive one was the perfect one. Seems like you have a heart huh ? Noone is perfect. And theres no dislike.
5)Claribel Checo : Me ^_^
6)Clarissa: Not cause you my sister im saying this. But ey sister I like your post. And Ive been threw everyone of them cause we always together J
7)Amber: I liked your “Friends what makes one ? That’s really interested and is good to have friend you know that will always be there for you threw thick and thin. & That wont jugde you.
8)Tashawna: “ how fast can you say ilove you “ that post I kept reading it over and over. Theres some girls that say I love you after 1min or 1 hour after meeting the guys. That’s not cute. So I agree with your post.
9)Shanice: Respect your parents my favortive one. A lot of kids now and days don’t respect there parents. And they should cause when they gone they gonna regret it. Another one was teen mom because girls now and days think is cool to have kids. When they cant even wash dishes. But I like those two post.
10)Tiffany:Natural beauty I like that one; Who cares what people say the way you look. Your hair. Your style who cares. Be you and don’t care what other gotta say. About the world ending is retarted everyone wanna be god outta nowhere so I feel you.
11)Tierra: Your post were good. I found out about a new show because of you. Thanks J
12)Tuesdae: I LOVEDDDD EVERYONE OF THEM :D really interested
13)Jessica: All of them were great. But what I like about you is that we feel the same way about animals J and I like that. We should hunt them animals abuser lols
14)Sara:Friends caught my attention a lot. I think us girls been threw it all . I got no complain about yours I really liked it
15)Shanice: The boys one I like them asshole well some of them.You did good.
16)A Dale :All your poems really nice and sweet. I like them all GREAT JOB :D
17)Andrea:Talking about the world is good. Althought it gets me really nervous I hate it but your post were interesting
18)Natural:Good Opions about the way there dress. Like that post alot
19)Chavonne:All your post caught my attention. The pictures were interesting.
20)Anthony: All your post are good. Things I didn’t even know about I love them all you did good. Dique micosoft wants skype jajajaj =]
21)Katherine: The gone threw so much ended with nothing my favortive one I also stay readin that over and over cause its so true. You did great.
22)Danielle:Talking about how you hate may I feel you I do to. I lost some I really loved. And today makes a year so I know how you feel and how quick the month is going.
23)Madhu: Good job I liked them all.i Loved the 3d pictures I wanna go to a place like that.
24)Dejon: The may 21 Is all over im tired of hearing people don’t believe it, I went to the website and I got nervous but oh well.
25)Jermain: About the man killing his girlfriend what a jerk right? They have no brain I swear. Its was sad but I liked all your post they were interesting.
26)Amina: The cheating one. Guys like to play there girls a lot they think they smart in the game when they not they dumb well some of them so I really liked that post a lot.

Monday, May 16, 2011

John Adams High School :)

John Adams High School. What can i say about John Adams ? That school is OKAYY ! I use to attend it for 3 years until these littles girl decided to make my life a living hell. But John Adams was a good school. It was hard to cut there was deans, security guard, teachers EVERYWHERE. If you would leave the school early there would be cops in front of the school and they would stop you and ask what school you in ? And where you going ? Other than No cellphones were allow in school ,  They had metal detector Which sucked BIG TIME. In that school the best part was swimming class. I LOVEDDD swimming class i wish martin van buren had a pool. In john adams i had alot of BAD INFLUENCE friends. I Always use to cut and leave early. I Never pay attention in class. I never did my homework. And for me i was passing but when i came to martin van buren highschool they told me that i was missing alot of credits and i needed to get on track or i wont graduate on time. Thats something they didnt tell me over there. I Bet you guys are wondering why i got transfer to this school. Well the reason is because i got into a fight with a girl and she made it so big she was a DRAMA QUEEN. She told her little crew to start messing with me. And im that type to NOT stay shut to noone so the dean told my mom that is better that she takes me out the school. So thats what happen and they put me here. I miss john adams i wish i could back . Althought martin van buren is a good school but w.e . I hope i can graudate on time.

Loosing Someone You Really LOVE :(

Have you ever lost someone you really loved ? Well i did . When i first started John Adams High School i started hanging out with the wrong people. Always told me to cut, smoke and drink. And NOT only that they were gang members they were called the Trinitarios ( DPL ) its a dominican gang. I got real close to them they were like a family to me. But then problems begun to happen. I couldnt walk around cityline without anyone saying anything to me or tryna pop it off. When i was with them all they asked me to turn trinitaria but i said NO. I dont wanna put my family or anyone in danger and more myself. But to everyone i was a trinitaria but i didnt care what anyone said because i knew every well who i was. It was around April that i started talking to this boy named Alberto he was best known as Nowikki and he was one of them ( trinitario ). I really liked him and he liked me. We talk everyday. Spend the whole night on the phone from like 9pm to 7am. We use to fall asleep on the phone. Around May we was gonna make it official. But i saw something really wierd happening. I logged on aim to see if he was connected and he was but he was idle for like 5hrs. I saw everyone status saying " OMG nowikki feel better hope you can make this one " I got worried. I call his bestfriend and asked her and she was like " Loka you dont know ? Nowikki got shot 2 times one in his head and one in his body and he is in coma and they dont know if he gonna make it " . When i heard that my world just stop i started crying . I Wanted to go to the hospital but my mom wouldnt let me because she knew i was gonna get an attack and go crazy. Well i finally went to sleep i prayed from him and all i did was think of him. When i woke up to get ready for school i logged on aim and i saw everyone writing " RIP NOWIKKI " when i saw that i could of swear i was gonna die. I Started crying ALOTTT, i wanted to die along with him. My mom asked me what happen and i told her " He didnt make it he died " I Regret not going to the hospital =[ . When i was in school all i did was cry and walk the halls i didnt wanna be in school. I was so hurt. I heard everyone in school talking about him like " oh nowikki got shot and he die " Everytime i heard that i cryed alot. I was wondering who killed him and they told me it was another gang team called " Latin Kings " when i heard it was them i hated them from that day i wanted to kill everyone of them for taking someone life away. Ever since his death im not the same person with anyone. Ive gotten an attitude with everyone. IM JUST NOT THE SAY NOMORE. Well ever since his death i started to have dreams with him. But one of the dreams really hit me hard. I was in his funeral in my dreams and i saw him but he got alive when he saw me and he called me over and i went. But in real life i couldnt breath . My twin saw that i was acting like i couldnt breath i started shaking and she woke me up. When i got up i started crying alot. I told my mom and she said " NEVER WALK TOWARD THE DEAD PERSON THEY TRYNA TAKE YOU WITH THEM". I got scare but i knew he didnt want to hurt me. And it wasnt the first time i dream of him. I miss him so much i wish i could turn back in the days and take him back. But i know he is watching over me. My ANGEL may you rest in piece. And Since the day he got killed i really started hanging out to much with trinitarios i was known as one of them. But now im trying to get out of this. I dont want problems i wanna live for long. I dont wanna be living this life i am. My mom knows about this and she is always telling me " STOP BEING ONE OF THEM you putting yourself in danger" But i just couldnt get away from them easy. I hope oneday everything will be the same way as it was when i was little. Friday will be ONE YEAR he got killed ;   RIP ALBERTO CABRERA BEST KNOWN AS OG NOWIKKI 4|28|91 - 5|2O|1O i Love youuu soo MUCHHH x7^ <3 always and forever bby :* , I will soon be with you my darlin dear :) TEKIEROOO ! x3 ; it HURTS loosing someone you love right ?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My BIG Day :) Latin Senstation ^_^

Do you like dancing ? Well i love dancing. I like perfoming for talent show. I like to hear music and make up a dance for it. I keep myself entertain in that. When i use to attend john adams high school there was a talent show audience. Me and my sister and my girls were the first one there to sign up and try. That same day we had to dance something in 1.2.3 i wasnt ready so i just let my two bestfriends do it . And they did great that the teacher was proud and she accepted them. Im not gonna lie i was nervous this was my FIRST performace in front of alot of people and i didnt wanna mess up cause we had to try to win this. So we had pratice from December til February. When we got our music togethers we starting practing at first we had boys with us but they played around to much. So we decided to do it by ourself. We pratice but i didnt know what was wrong with me that i couldnt get the dance step right. I was getting mad i wanted to quit. But im NOT a quitter im a winner =] jk. But yea i finally learned it and me and my girls decided to show my older sister that knows alot of talent show cause she also use to do it we show her our dance and she said it was a DISATER. we was a little mad but she helped us alot we had pratice everday from school. Like from 2:40-8:30. The talent show was February 11 it was pre-valentine talent show competiton. And by February 5 we had everything but in February 8 we change some music because my sister said that it was a mess still and the songs wont bring people attention :) so we all agreed. We Praticeee ALOTT we didnt rest for nothing. When we got our steps together we show my sister and she LOVED it. But it came to the clothes part we all didnt know what to wear So we decided to pick red and black but we said nah then we all decided black and gold and PERFECT :) . It was that day  we went to school and we left after 4th period to get ready. although the talent show was at 6:OOpm. One of my friends got sick that day i was nervous but it was all good. i was glad. We started getting Ready and when the clock hit 5:3O we left and head to school. We was ready to make this show live. We was last to perform there was like 20 perfomace before us. We had special guest we had Hot.97 there Lil Kim and some artist. When it was out turn we was nervous but we killed the stage. Everybody was screaming when we went out on stage. We messed up a little bit but some of the girls did great. But when we finish it was time to anounce the winners. When i heard " Latin Senstation " Me and my girls scream LOUD. we won 2nd place atleast we won 2nd. I was happy . After all the fighting No resting so much work we made it. If you would like to see the video go to Youtube and type in : (latin senstation talent show ) Or That was our BIG day. We had another talent show in May for Bobby Valetino. But to bad i got transfer from the school =[ it sucks. and thats it for today . I hope u enjoy reading my BIG DAY <3

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I Bet you wondering who is my two super heros. Well they are two pittbull. I have to pittbull dogs. Two red nose one is name white and the other one is named kaffy. Kaffy is the biggest one i mean REAL BIG and white is little. When i first got kaffy im like oh damn im gonna die when he grows up. Kaffy is a dog that barks at everyone and trys to get near them but we tested him to see if he bites strangers and he does so you wont see me walking him around. Instead of me walking him he's gonna be walking me =] . He's a very good listerner i love him to much. I Feel safe when he is in my house.I Got him around October and ever since that day we started to train him and now he is all a good boy :) . Talking about white. Now white is a very nice dog lovely dog. Loves kids and people. He dont bark at you unless you bother him. I Sleep with him most of the time. Im glad i have to dogs. They like my superheros . Im sure noone will try to get near me with them two dogs :) DANGER DANGER x3 /; I Called them my superhero because im sure they will be there when im in danger :) iLOVE MY PITTS ( btw i didnt know what to write about )

Monday, May 9, 2011

Friends Now And Day

Well Friends now and day dont exist. You may think you have a bestfriend when you really dont. They all say they gonna be there for you when you need them the most but NO its not true. Thats why its good not to have a bestfriend just be on your own. im sure you was born alone, you sleep alone, and you will die alone. It was like me in my other school john adams i meet this girl in freshmen year ever since that day it always me, her and my sister. we use to hang out alot. Mall everytime,movies, chilling. She always came to my house and i always went to her. i use to tell her everything and i use to tell her things. She was like my diary. But then we meet this girl name sofia and she became bestfriend with us so it was always four of us. Until in 11th we started having our ups and down. And Sofia started hanging out with us more. And im guessing my "bestfriend" was getting mad because she wasnt hanging out with her alot like before. Me and her started arguing alot. It was valentines day and she didnt talk to me at all. But she did talk shyt about me with her others friends that were my friends to but we wasnt that close like me and her were. My sister took us to mediation room to solve the problem out BUT EVERYTHING got worst. we almost fought that day. But i have gotten in to a fight with her " friend" and everything wasnt the same. she started putting so much things about me in her facebook. She started hanging out with gang members. im guessing the girl she became friends with was a gang member and she only had her. So I DONT BELIEVE IN BESTFRIENDS FOR LIFE. you only have yourself . Never trust someone but yourself or your family. Im not gonna lie i miss her so much it was fun hanging out with her . We will always make jokes take so much pictures. I Love her but what she did was WRONG. But life is life right ? high school friends are the most fake ones. So now im more into getting out of highschool and getting a diploma and getting a new job that will be CSI ! Thats my dream. And lets see if half of these people i call my friend will have a good job or will be alife in the future. Thats all for today.  AND NOW IS ONLY --- > me & her and my Sister

Friday, May 6, 2011

Blog # 87; Should they be posted ?

What should happen to Osama Bin Laden pictures ? Should it be post or not ? Well i think that it should because then Americans will be believe that he really is dead and wont be walking again in this earth. But at the same time they shouldnt be posted due to the things that can happen. Things arent gonna be calm. New York should be prepared for anything. And they use listen to Osama son. He doesnt want president Obama to post the pictures because he knows whats best and he knows his people more than we know them. They may look calm but they probably not. They will dare to do something to pay back. Like they say " what goes around comes around". But me myself would like to see the pictures. But then i wont want them to noone wants another war. So I really dont know what they should do. Another thing the family that lost there loves one 9/11/01 im sure they wanna see a picture of him so they can be calm and know that he is really dead. So this is what i think.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why arent the pictures of Osama Bin Laden Being Publish ?

Alot of people wonder why isnt Obama publishing Osama Bin Laden pictures. Now alot of americans dont wanna believe that he is dead. BUT they dont know that its for  our own good. Nobody wants the war to go on again. Obama was gonna publish them BUT then he decided not to and why is that ? "We don't trot out this stuff as trophies," Mr. Obama said .  And that giving or publishing Osama pictures will create a national security risk. They have done DNA to his body and he sure they killed the right guy Osama Bin Laden. Alot of people are not going to believe. The family members of 9/11/01 are wanted to see the pictures. But Obama is sure that they wont see Osama walking in this earth ever again. I myself will like to see the picture cause i dont believe that he is dead. But at the same time i know that its dangreous to release them . We want the Untied States to be in good hands. Every family member of Osama Bin Laden that is watching the newspaper must be VERYYY angry. And they will be more angry if they see that Obama has posted/publish the pictures. And after they see it they might wanna take advangte .So at the same time is good that Obama doesnt publish them. Let people think what they wanna think. If they say they got him and they did. And if they really didnt kill him Untied States / New York will be very angry for killing some one they confuse with Osama.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wheres The Prove ?

Osama Bin Laden is finally DEAD !!!! Alot of people are happy that he was killed. Alot of families lost there loves one 09/11/01 due to Osama. Some families dont believe that Osama has been killed. No one has show pictures. Theres people out there celebrating his death. But no one really has proff that he is dead. Osama has been buried at the sea. Now the question is WHY ? Why was he burn or anything like that. Could it be that they dont have the body ? And they are making up lies. I believe that Osama Bin Laden is still around hiding somewhere watching the news of how much AMERICAN hated him. But if he is dead his family member or the ones that use to work with him are watching the news they might wanna take advangte for celebrating his death. They might wanna do something bigger that what happen in 9/11/01. Alot of people gather around the white house to celebrate his death. He was shot in pakistan. Osama Bin Laden was the biggest enemi in U.S

Monday, May 2, 2011

Blog #84 Osama Bin Laden is DEAD !

Osama Bin Laden and New York City is happy. Everyone is finally happy. Although those who lost there love ones still suffer. They might be